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Simple ways to keep your bank accounts secure, by your small business accountants in Sydney

There are quite a few simple and efficient ways for you to protect your bank accounts from fraud and other scams. As your small business accountants in Sydney, we will tell you a few small simple tips to follow and your bank account should stay safe and secure.

Your business accountant should be giving you these simple steps to minimise the chance of anyone else accessing your account:

• Be sure to always check your ATM machines, this way you can minimise the risk of being caught by a scammer
• It may sound simple, but by covering your pin you are securing your card – they need your pin to actually take money out of your account
• Always and we mean always know where your cards are
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions when giving your card to someone and it gets declined
• Regularly check your account balance to see for any drastic changes

Remember that if you are victim of credit card fraud to not worry and that any money taken from you will and can be reimbursed by the bank. If you think that your accounts may have been skimmed don’t be afraid to ask questions, your business accountant in Sydney is there to help you.

As always, feel free to get in contact with our small business accountants in Sydney if you have any questions or you can check out our full range of services here!

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